With 6 years of experience in Digital Marketing, I am passionate about developing and empowering my marketing career by creating effective marketing and branding activities that deliver desired results for businesses. I started as a self-learner and have continued to grow and learn through all the challenges.
I possess a diverse range of technical skills, including digital marketing strategy, content strategy, multi-channel growth strategy, marketing automation, email marketing, paid marketing, social media strategy, social media marketing, Instagram organic growth strategy, and product marketing.
I excel at enhancing problem and solution awareness, acquiring new leads and customers, activating leads and customers, monetizing existing leads and customers, onboarding new leads and customers, and building community and advocacy.
I am passionate about helping businesses succeed and are open to discussing your next business idea. Feel free to reach out to me to pick my brain and work together towards your business goals.
About Me
- Residence: Bangladesh
- Freelance: Available
- Full Time job: Available
- Address: Dhaka
- Phone: +8801830910186
- E-mail: saifulxsaif@gmail.com